Thursday, January 27, 2011


ADHOC-NOW is an international conference dedicated to wireless and mobile computing. This year, it comes to Germany for the first time and will take place on July 18-20, in the beautiful city Paderborn. The conference addresses both experimental and theoretical research in the areas of ad hoc networks, sensor networks, mesh networks and vehicular networks. It focuses on all issues from link layer up to the application layer.

The ADHOC-NOW 2011 proceedings will be published in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Select papers will be invited for submission to a special issue of Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks

Important Dates

Paper Submission: Feb. 24, 2011
Author Notification: Apr. 29, 2011
Camera ready: May 13, 2011

Topics of interest and other details available here

Monday, January 17, 2011

Conference Easy Access Link

Dear friends
The following link helps you to know about the upcoming conferences in the area of Wireless Networks.

WinSys 2011 : Reminder

WINSYS is part of ICETE, the International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications Registration to WINSYS allows free access to all other ICETE conferences.


The purpose of WINSYS 2011, the International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems, is to bring together researchers, engineers and practitioners interested on information systems and applications in the context of wireless networks and mobile technologies.

Information systems and information technology are pervasive in the whole communications field, which is quite vast, encompassing a large number of research topics and applications: from practical issues to the more abstract theoretical aspects of communication; from low level protocols to high-level networking and applications; from wireless networking technologies to mobile information systems; many other topics are included in the scope of WINSYS.

Ideas on how to analyze and approach problems by combining information systems and communication technologies, either in the scope of R&D projects, engineering or business applications, are welcome. Papers describing new methods or technologies, advanced prototypes, systems, tools and techniques and general survey papers indicating future directions are also encouraged. Papers describing original work are invited in any of the areas listed below. Accepted papers, presented at the conference by one of the authors, will be published in the Proceedings of WINSYS, with an ISBN. Acceptance will be based on quality, relevance and originality. Both full research reports and work-in-progress reports are welcome. There will be both oral and poster sessions.
The best papers will be selected to appear either in an international journal or in a book to be published by Springer-Verlag.

Special sessions, case-studies and tutorials dedicated to technical/scientific topics related to the main conference are also envisaged: researchers interested in organizing a special session, or companies interested in presenting their products/methodologies or researchers interested in holding a tutorial are invited to contact the conference secretariat.

Conference Areas

Each of these topic areas is expanded below but the sub-topics list is not exhaustive. Papers may address one or more of the listed sub-topics, although authors should not feel limited by them. Unlisted but related sub-topics are also acceptable, provided they fit in one of the following main topic areas:

  • › Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks
  • › Wireless and Mobile Technologies
  • › Mobile Software and Services
Area 1: Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks
  • › Ad Hoc Networks of Autonomous Intelligent Systems
  • › Autonomic Networking
  • › Body-based Wireless Networks
  • › Coverage, Connectivity and Deployment Issues
  • › Delay-Tolerant Networking
  • › Ecological Wireless Networks
  • › e-Health Networking
  • › Emergency Wireless Communications
  • › Hardware and Software Platforms, Middleware
  • › Home Area Networks
  • › Hybrid Wireless Communication Systems
  • › Local Dependent Networks
  • › Localization and Positioning Schemes
  • › MAC Issues in WSN
  • › Measurements and Experimental Research
  • › Mobile Ad Hoc Networks and Multi-Hop Wireless
  • › Modeling, Algorithms, and Performance Evaluation
  • › Novel Sensing Applications
  • › Pervasive Education Systems
  • › Pricing Modeling and Solutions
  • › Radio Issues in Wireless Sensor Networks
  • › Ultra-Wideband and Short-Range Networks
  • › Urban Sensing
  • › Underground Sensor Network Challenges
  • › Underwater Sensor Networks
  • › Vehicular Networks
  • › Wireless Real-Time Communications
Area 2: Wireless and Mobile Technologies
  • › Antennas and Propagation, Channel Modelling and Estimation
  • › Anti-Jamming Channel Coding
  • › Channel Coding, Modulation and Multi-User Detection
  • › Cognitive Radio and Software Defined Radio
  • › Congestion and Admission Control
  • › Cooperative Mobile Systems
  • › Cross-Layer Design and Physical Layer Based Network Issues
  • › Detection, Decoding and Diversity Techniques
  • › Directional and Smart Antennas for Sensor Networks
  • › Fault-Tolerance and Traffic Reliability Issues
  • › Enabling Technologies
  • › Energy Efficiency and Power Control
  • › Green Wireless Systems
  • › High Altitude Platforms and Satellites
  • › Information Ubiquity
  • › Management, Energy and Control of Sensor Networks
  • › MIMO Systems and Techniques
  • › Network Measurement, Validation and Verification Schemes
  • › OFDM and Multi-Carrier Systems
  • › Performance Analysis of Wireless Networks
  • › Radio Issues in Wireless Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks
  • › Reconfigurable Wireless Networks
  • › RFID Systems
  • › Routing Protocols, Qos, Scheduling and Congestion Control
  • › Spectrum Policies and Open Spectrum
  • › Spread-Spectrum and CDMA Systems
  • › Survivability, Network Management and Fault Tolerance in Mobile Environments
  • › WiMAX, LTE, WMANs, and New Emerging Broadband Wireless Networks
  • › Wired to Wireless Transition Issues
  • › Wireless Communication Middleware
  • › Wireless Multimedia
  • › Wireless Multiple Access Techniques
  • › Wireless Network Co-Existence
  • › Wireless Positioning Technologies
  • › Wireless Networks for Underwater and UAVs Communications
Area 3: Mobile Software and Services
  • › Convergence and Social Mobility
  • › Charging, Pricing, and Business Schemes
  • › Communications Software in Vehicular Communication Systems
  • › Context Awareness and Personalization
  • › Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications
  • › Geographic Information and Location-based Applications and Services
  • › Information Security Policy for Wireless Networks
  • › Intelligent Living Environments: Architecture, Protocols and Applications
  • › Localization Techniques
  • › Medical ICT Applications
  • › Mobile Multimedia Services (WASP, ASP, MSP)
  • › Multimedia Traffic over Wireless Networks
  • › Multimedia QoS provisioning
  • › Network Traffic Analysis Schemes
  • › Peer-to-Peer Computing and Networking
  • › Pervasive Computing and Networking
  • › Pervasive and Wearable Computing
  • › Radio Resource Management
  • › Standardization Issues
  • › Testbeds and Deployment
  • › Ubiquitous Wireless Services and Protocols
  • › Web Services
  • › Wireless Application Areas
  • › Wireless Information Policy, Risk Assessment and Management
  • › Wireless Multicasting
Keynote Speakers

Han-Chieh Chao, National Ilan University, Taiwan, China

Paper Submission

Authors should submit an original paper in English, carefully checked for correct grammar and spelling, using the on-line submission procedure. The initial submission must have between 3 to 13 pages otherwise it will be rejected without review. Please check the paper formats page so you may be aware of the accepted paper page limits.
The guidelines for paper formatting provided at the conference web ought to be used for all submitted papers. The preferred submission format is the same as the camera-ready format. Please check and carefully follow the instructions and templates provided. Each paper should clearly indicate the nature of its technical/scientific contribution, and the problems, domains or environments to which it is applicable.

Papers that are out of the conference scope or contain any form of plagiarism will be rejected without reviews. Please read INSTICC's ethical norms regarding plagiarism and self-plagiarism.

Remarks about the on-line submission procedure:
1. A "double-blind" paper evaluation method will be used. To facilitate that, the authors are kindly requested to produce and provide the paper, WITHOUT any reference to any of the authors. This means that is necessary to remove the authors personal details, the acknowledgements section and any reference that may disclose the authors identity.
LaTeX/PS/PDF/DOC/DOCX/RTF format are accepted.
2. The web submission procedure automatically sends an acknowledgement, by e-mail, to the contact author.

Paper submission types:
Regular Paper Submission
A regular paper presents a work where the research is completed or almost finished. It does not necessary means that the acceptance is as a full paper. It may be accepted as a "full paper" (30 min. oral presentation) , a "short paper" (20 min. oral presentation) or a "poster".

Position Paper Submission
A position paper presents an arguable opinion about an issue. The goal of a position paper is to convince the audience that your opinion is valid and worth listening to, without the need to present completed research work and/or validated results. It is, nevertheless, important to support your argument with evidence to ensure the validity of your claims. A position paper may be a short report and discussion of ideas, facts, situations, methods, procedures or results of scientific research (bibliographic, experimental, theoretical, or other) focused on one of the conference topic areas. The acceptance of a position paper is restricted to the categories of "short paper" or "poster", i.e. a position paper is not a candidate to acceptance as "full paper".

After the reviewing process is completed, the contact author (the author who submits the paper) of each paper will be notified of the result, by e-mail. The authors are required to follow the reviews in order to improve their paper before the camera-ready submission.


All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, under an ISBN reference, on paper and on CD-ROM support.
All papers presented at the conference venue will be available at the SciTePress Digital Library (
A short list of presented papers will be selected so that revised and extended versions of these papers will be published by Springer-Verlag in a CCIS Series book.
A short list of papers presented at the conference will be selected for publication of extended and revised versions in a special issue of JNW - Journal of Networks.
A short list of papers presented at the conference will be selected for publication of extended and revised versions in CEPIS UPGRADE Journal.
A short list of papers presented at the conference will be selected for publication of extended and revised versions in REICIS.
The proceedings will be submitted for indexation by Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index, INSPEC, DBLP and EI.

Important Dates

Conference date: 18-21 July, 2011

Regular Paper Submission: February 3, 2011
Authors Notification (regular papers): April 16, 2011
Final Regular Paper Submission and Registration: May 5, 2011


WINSYS Secretariat
Address: Av. D. Manuel I, 27A, 2º esq.
2910-595 Setúbal - Portugal
Tel.: +351 265 520 185
Fax: +44 203 014 5432